Neonatal and Pediatric Echocardiography Training Course
March 25, 2019Dr. Vikas Kohli
What is Neonatal Pediatric Echocardiography Training Course
This Echocardiography training course is a complete package to learn Neonatal and Pediatric echocardiography and become a good echocardiographer. The training course is a combination of different levels of echocardiography known as level |, level || and level |||.
Levels of Training-Level |
Level | neonatal and pediatric echocardiography training course is a knowledge and skill based training in which a new trainee is taught all the basics of neonatal and pediatric echocardiography. This level includes 17 audio / visual lectures are provided on topics like the history of echo, anatomy, physics, color doppler & echo views etc. This makes learning much easier & understandable for the beginner. This level also includes workbooks, probe movement, group tasks and activities with section exams, quiz and certification.
Level ||
Level || is clinical practise 3 to 5 days course which includes mannequin based training with simulation of hand movement. You need to observe the changes in the image happening with the hand movement while doing echocardiography on the children. After taking the level | training you need to do 3 to 5 days clinical exposure course to brush up and finalize your echocardiography skills.
Level |||
Level ||| is a supervised echocardiographic study course of 6 months in which you do neonatal and pediatric echos at your center. We study your echos sent in this duration and on successful completion of 30 studies we award you with level |||.